Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soak Up The Sun

This weekend, myself and a group of 15 other people went to the lovely Cinque Terre. The name means "Five Lands," and is named so because it consists of five different towns situated on rocky cliffs on the Mediterranean Sea. We took the 6:10 morning train to Riomaggiore, the southernmost town and spent the day and night there. We were anticipating rain the whole weekend, but we got there and it was absolutely gorgeous! We immediately hit the beach; unlike California beaches, the beaches here are small and mainly rocks. However, after being in a city for a few weeks, us California kids weren't even about to complain; we were in Heaven. Unfortunately, we did not get much swimming done due to the massive amounts of jellyfish in the water, but laying out was just fine for me. Later, a few of us rented kayaks and went for a little jaunt around the cliffs.  It was such a perfect experience. The rest of the evening we spent wandering around the town, taking pictures, and doing a bit of fun reading. Then, the rain came. We got caught in a bit of a thunderstorm, and got a little soaked to the bone.

The next day we were catching a train from the northernmost town in the evening, to get home. One of the ways to get from town to town is to hike, and we were eager to take up that option. We set off on the first hike, known as the Via dell'Amore, or "Lover's Walk." There is all sorts of graffiti everywhere you look of names of couples and confessions of adoration; it's really quite moving. Also, there are locks all over the gates at the entrance of the walk, and even the fences holding the rocks on the cliffs. Apparently, they resemble a "lock of love" between lovers; a symbol that their love will never be broken.

After the first walk, we hopped on the train to the next town, Corniglia, because the trail was closed due to rain. We took a quick breather and bathroom break and headed on our way to the fourth town, Vernazza. This was the tough hike. Not only were we hiking with our overnight bags, I made the mistake of soaking my Toms (shoes) and had to wear sandals. However, for all of the pain and sweat that went into the hike, the view was well worth it. For the most part we were right along the bluest water that I have ever seen in my life. It was breathtaking.

We finally made it to Vernazza, after meeting a lovely couple from San Diego, and witnessing a real cat fight... literally, cats fighting in a tree. We stopped for some delicious lunch and opted to take the train to the last town, Monterosso, so we could hit the beach as soon as possible. We got there and had the most perfect beach weather imaginable, even though rain had still been in the forecast. This beach was "sandy," meaning smaller rocks, but it was perfect. The water was incredibly warm and the sun was so relaxing. We stayed at the beach for most of the rest of our time there, reading, tanning, and playing in the water. Then, we treated ourselves to some gelato and headed home. All in all, it was such a relaxing weekend, and much needed break from city life. It is great to be home though... amazing how Florence is already feeling like home.

View from the beach at Monterosso, complete with awesome Pirates of the Caribbean looking ship

"I'm gonna soak up the sun; gonna tell everyone to lighten up. I'm gonna tell 'em that I've got no one to blame. For every time I feel lame I'm looking up. I'm gonna soak up the sun." Sheryl Crow

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